Page name: Past hits [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-15 11:17:03
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
# of watchers: 16
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1) Target name: [The Black Cat in Your Path]

After days of careful surveillance, (yah... that black chevelle you looked at several times, that was me) I noticed that daily you let your cat out the back door of your house at precisely twelve thirty. The hit would have to be quick and quiet, so I decided on a crossbow for my weapon. Quick, quiet, and deadly accurate. After attaching a note that said "bang" to the bolt, requested by my contractor, I climbed to the roof of the building behind your house and waited. For another day I staked out your house, just to make sure you would follow your routine. Of course I had dehydrated foods with me, as well as several bottles of water. It does get hot on rooftops after all. The next day I left my weapon in my chosen position and snuck to your back door, opening it and posting a stick it note to the inside that read "I hope the arrival of a Lily comes to you after earth," also compliments of my contractor. Five minutes later I was back on the rooftop of the house behind yours, with precisely twenty minutes until you let your cat out. I saw your puzzlement as you opened the door, sticky note in hand, and couldn't help but smile as I took aim and released the bolt. It was of course a perfect shot. Quickly, I packed up shop and left, getting away hours before anyone noticed you were done in.

2) Target name: [Artsy]

After the hit was contracted, I looked your name up in a local phonebook, then went to your house. I waited in a shop acrossed the street until you left, then went and checked points of entry. (Btw, you really need to fix that squeaky screen door.) Finding that the windows had less than average locks, i chose your side bedroom window, and set about clearing the twigs from nearby it so you wouldn't hear me approach. I went home and relaxed for a day. (A cold beer after yardwork is a wonderful thing.) The next day i returned to the shop i had visited the day before, and again waited until you left. Quickly I went across the street and went to the aforementioned window, and commenced greasing the sides of the window frame so it would make as little noise as possible when i opened it. With that done, my entry prep was complete, and i moved onto the weapon. The contractor decided upon an in your face style, something that would be painful i assumed, so i went to a nearby car, broke into it, and stole a tire iron. As I had already been in the shop across the street two days in a row, i returned and bought some small trinket offering the excuse of a daughters birthday, something that wouldn't stick out in people's minds, and then returned home. At nearly one in the morning, i returned to your house, entered your window as you slept, and went to your bedside. Quietly, I bent down and whispered in your ear, "It is my greatest pleasure to tell you: you fail." With the message delivered, I smacked you in the head with the tire iron and left the house the way i entered, making sure to wipe the prints clean and close it behind me.

3) Target name: [Eyelash-Wishes]

Finally, an easy assignment. Minimal reconasaince, cheap weapon, and waiting. I simply snuck into your house and hid, moving from room to room, making sure to stay out of your line of sight and well hidden. Waiting for you to leave a drink unnattended. (I didn't think it would take so long for a person to leave their cup in a different room) After the second day, when I was starting to get irritated, you finally left the room, leaving your cherry coke sitting next to the sofa in the living room. As you made your way to the restroom, i quickly slipped out of hiding, grabbed some draino out from under your kitchen sink and then returned to the living room and poured some into your coke, making sure to stir it so it would cover the smell. I stepped back into hiding and waited for you to take the drink. I heard you gag, and knew it was all over. As you seized on the couch, I exited my hiding spot, and walked in front of you, then i crouched down and said what was in the contract, "Guess you and the juice have something in common, you're both expired." With that said i quietly exited the house by the back door and went home.

4) Target name: [Dezmond]

This hit sent me on a vacation to japan, a well deserved vacation I might add. There's only so many ways to kill somebody in America. Anyways, to Tokyo I went, with nothing more than your dwelling place to get me started. It wasn't hard to find after I found a map of your area in a street side tourist shop. Your house was one of those quiet little places with a privacy fence and potted flowers and such along the outer walls. (Did you hire a gardener, and if so, can I have his number? I'm sure I can pay him more than he could ever imagine.) Anyways, after scoping the house out, I decided that the best way in, would be to pick your back door, a flimsy little sliding thing with a inner lift latch, easily bypassed. If i wanted to go undetected, I would have to use either a silenced gun, or a knife. I took both just in case. At nearly ten o'clock that night you returned from wherever you had been, and a couple hours later i watched your bedroom light flick on, and then back off a few minutes later. I stayed where I was for nearly an hour to ensure you were fast asleep before making my move. Silently, I scaled the privacy fence, donned in my black clothes, black toboggan, and painted black face, and made my way to your back door. There I paused and scanned my surroundings to make sure I had gone undetected. Remembering a request from the contractor, I picked a white flower from a nearby vase and carefully stowed in the back of my belt. I then used a straightened safety pin to lift the hook of the lock of the peg and slowly and silently slid open the door. Again, I paused to make sure you hadn't awoken before moving silently in a crouch through the house. I was nearly to your door when I heard footsteps in the bathroom. Apparently you had needed to use the restroom. It wasn't a problem however, as I pulled the pistol and waited for you to return. As you walked down the hall you passed a window and your face was silhouetted in light from a nearby streetlamp, giving me the perfect opportunity. Just as I pulled the trigger, I saw your face change, and knew that you had seen me, but it was too late. The bullet passed through your head, not making a sound. I stood and took the flower out of my belt and threw it on your body, the flower part landing on the floor and the stem leaning against your ribcage. I watched for just a second as the white flower began turning red before I exited the house to enjoy my vacation.

5) Target name: [Hedda]

This hit was rather odd, I have to admit. I was simply told to go to a place called Elftown and kill the mayor, in an in your face manner. I couldn't believe that there was a place by that name anywhere in the world, and I was half right. After weeks of pouring through maps and charts and other such things, I had just about given up hope on finding you and was about to contact the contractor to tell him I failed when a brilliant idea hit me. Mapquest. I was destined to be disappointed however, as Mapquest told me screw off in it's own little away. (It can be quite rude in it's own way can't it?) In desperation I turned to google. It was there I found what I was looking for. An interesting little online community dedicated to fantasy. After making an account, (bet you wish you knew my screen name.) I searched the name my contractor had given me, Hedda. Instantly, it popped up with a picture of a man with very short hair. Apparently, I was on your virtual "house". As I scoured the page looking for information, I had to laugh a bit when you proclaimed yourself mayor of this little "town". It wasn't until the end of the page, however, that I found the crown jewel, your location. It took me merely fifteen minutes to get my things packed and to order a ticket on a flight to where you were. (First class of course.) Upon arrival I looked up your address and went to your house to scope out the surroundings. I then rented a hotel nearby and set up my laptop. After logging into Elftown and checking a few messages and posting on a couple assassin rp's I'm a member of I checked to see if you were online, which you were. I sent you a message saying, "You are going to die," and below that the special message my contractor had requested be delivered which was, "...*eats ramen*..." and then shut the comp down and returned to your house. As you frantically ran through your house, locking doors and windows i used my combat shotgun to blow the front door open and rushed in, quickly locating you and pistol whipping you with the barrel, snapping your neck instantly. I exited the house the way I had entered, picking up the spent shell as I went, and was on a flight home a half hour later.

6) Target name:[Sir Robert of Foster]

I've been stalking you for about a month or so now, it took a while because of all the damn collage students in Fort Collins, Colorado but finally I felt as if I had enough information to make my move. I sort of felt bad about this hit, you were going to be a mechanical engineer? You must have been smart! There was something about executing a hit on young collage student that makes me feel bad. Wasted potential really. However, I had a job to do, and unfortunately you were that job. I tried to make it painless... sort of. I snuck into your room as you sat there on talking to people on elftown at three AM in the morning, exactly as I knew you would. I was as quiet as I could be and in my hands I carried some wire, the same kind you used for your sculpting, that I had retrieved from your place earlier in the day. You didn't miss it at all having been in classes all day. I tried to sneak up behind you, but unfortunately I bumped a table and an open can of soda fell. You turned, too slowly to stop me as I dived at you and wrapped the wire around your neck and held tight as you struggled to get me off. It was a close match, I still have some bruises from where you bashed me against a wall, but the wire had begun to dig into your flesh choking you and making you bleed. Soon the lack of oxygen caused you to black out, and then finally die of asphyxiation. I let your body drop and pulled out a slightly crushed white rose from my jacket, tossing it onto your corpse. On my way out I thieved your werewolf statue, it rather liked it, and really, you wouldn't miss it would you?

7) Target name: [Artsy]

The moon was full as I entered your house. I had been surprised to receive another job involving you. Guess I didn't do the job well enough the first time. This time however I came more than prepared. I had C4 planted on all four corners of the house, a bowie knife, and a shotgun. One way or the other, you were going down, for sure this time. When I entered the house the first thing I noticed was the chattering of a TV, most likely in your bedroom. Silently, I crept to your room, peeking in through the cracked door, to find you sleeping soundly, an infomercial chattering away across the room. Satisfied that the blast would erase all trace of you from this world I quietly left. Once I was a block away I pressed the detonation switch. You and your house were instantly vaporized in a huge ball of fire. The blast had knocked me down, (maybe I misjudged how much C4 to use?) so after picking myself up I tossed the detonator into some bushes then called my contractor to impart the success of the mission.

back to The ET Hitlist

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2009-04-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: lol

2009-06-26 [†Sweets†]: you hit jeff?!

2009-06-26 [Tekkon KinKreet]: who?

2009-06-26 [†Sweets†]: [Dezmond]

2009-07-06 [The Black Goat]: this is super entertaining ^^

2009-07-27 [Erubeus]: I find his hit rather amusing.

2009-07-27 [de Morte]: The last hit is missing a name!

2009-07-27 [Lin Star]: Um...I think we're supposed to guess who he hit and who made the hit?

2009-07-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: no lol i just forgot to put it.... i have to go back to the message to get the name, and i forgot to do it lol my bad

2009-07-27 [†Sweets†]: lol

2009-07-29 [Lin Star]: Oh...well, something like that. *shrugs* how come the hitman forgot the name of the person he just killed? O.o; Scary.

2009-07-29 [Tekkon KinKreet]: cuz i'm not teh one that did the hit lol

2009-07-29 [†Sweets†]: XD

2009-07-29 [Lin Star]: Fun...but you're like his manager, right? Is that a good job: managing the hitman (or men if there's more than one)?

2009-07-29 [†Sweets†]: ...

2009-07-29 [Tekkon KinKreet]: mmmm i do hits to.... i just pass out the other hits if one of the others is better at that type of hit

2009-07-29 [†Sweets†]: pish

2009-07-30 [Lin Star]: Hm. Sounds like tons of fun. I'll have to keep an eye on everyone here, just to be safe. ;D

2009-07-30 [†Sweets†]: uh huh

2009-07-30 [Tekkon KinKreet]: lol

2009-08-12 [Artsy]: this is bogus, yo! I'm dead, ok?! Stop with the killing of me man!

*picks up limbs and brain matter on the way out to find a new location* I'm going to the ends of the earth, gettin away from this crazy man. -_x'''

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